Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 15 - Today I am grateful for....Rain

Today I am grateful for the rain!

Good old Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, 4350. Four seasons in one day. But I'm not complaining. There is something very cathartic about writing when it's raining and overcast outside. 

Meanwhile, for those Toowoombarites who love the rain, please send a big 'thankyou' my way because the only reason it is raining, is because I washed my car. Yes, that's right. My little Mazda 3 is now officially known as the rain-maker. Because EVERY time, without fail, when I wash my car, within 2 days (sometimes 2 hours), it always rains. It could be clear as a bell outside, blue skies, birds chirping, but it always happens. Blah!

I do love this weather though. I love the smell of rain. I love the beading of the rain drops on green leaves. I love how bright all the colours in the world look even though the sky is ashy.

Today, I'm home alone, I've cleaned my house, had lunch with my beautiful friend Anita, then had a whirlwind de-hoarding session with another amazing friend, Ronnie. Rain is normally a time to slow down but not today!

Rainy days are perfect for cuddles, sleeping, curling up in bed with a book or perhaps watching a nice movie on the TV with popcorn. Although I've opted for cleaning, lunching, dehoarding and blogging, I'm still feeling relaxed :-)

George & Lily do not love the rain however. Whilst they love playing in the water and mud, they do not like being left outside. And I can't blame them but seriously, when they look like this.....

And our back yard looks like this.....

It's easy to understand, from my point of view why they cannot come inside and kind of easy to feel a little bit sorry for them at the same time.....

Poor little poppets....

I'm also grateful that this lovely rain (whilst inconvenient to the lifestyle of my animals), is helping out our farmers. It's making our trees grow, our grass green and our water tanks full. It's bringing back life to an unloved mine. It's making puddles for children to play in and drive their parents crazy. It's softening hard unforgiving soil. It is keeping people in jobs - mower men, landscapers, farmers. It's filling dams and rivers. It is helping crops grow and helping us prepare for dry times.

I'm not going to lie, there was a time in my real estate career, way back in the day when I was a Maintenance Co-Ordinator, that I literally dreaded the sound of rain. Even a sprinkle of rain meant problems. Leaking roofs, gutters overflowing, ceilings leaking. It was awful stuff and there was literally nothing that could be done. All of the above said issues, require a tradesman to inspect and they won't go in the rain. There is no point. Nothing would dry to seal, but moreover, there is a greater risk of injury on a slippery roof or ladder. Unfortunately, Tenants rarely seemed to be able to comprehend this dilemma and often people became adgitated and angry when I couldn't solve a problem. I of course tried, but there can be a limit to my awesomeness...

Similarly, in my personal life, there are times when I dread the rain....and everyone's been have clothes on the line, the windows in your house or car are open, you've just washed your car or you have curly hair and you've just straightened it....nightmare. But you suck it up and move on, because the positives far outweigh the negatives in my opinion.

So today, I'm grateful for the rain. Big fat rain or windy, misty rain. Either is OK with me today :-)

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