It's something that we do every couple of weeks and I'm proud to be a blood donor.
I'd been a blood donor years and years ago, but then I got a bit wild and got a few tattoos and started smoking and blood donation kind fell by the wayside. I was always an organ donor and I guess in hindsight, I thought that was enough. I'm not sure why, but I'm going to go with laziness on my behalf. I make no excuses.
However, given that RE/MAX is a part of the Corporate Challenge for blood donation, it seemed only fitting, as a long standing staff member that I do my bit for my community.
I've never known anyone who has ever needed a blood product. Fortunately, my nearest and dearest have all been blessed with full and healthy lives. Of course I realised the importance of it and was happy to do what I could to help someone else, but I'd never known or understood the true importance of it all.
When Tiffany came to work one day a couple of months ago and told me that her little cousin, Olivia had been diagnosed with Leukaemia at 4 months old, tears pooled in her eyes and my heart broke right along with hers. She was clearly devastated but I'd never seen anyone so calm and poised for action. Not unlike myself, she would lie down in front of a truck for her family, no matter the cost. And so began our mission with the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.
The first time (and every time now) we gave plasma together, we did it for Olivia and the nurses advised us that they would call the next day to check we were both OK. I took the call and I advised Tiff that my plasma was fine, but hers had glitter in it and was only to be used by special little girls in Brisbane...
I believe that every day you should do something to better the life of someone else. No matter if that is a smile, a kind word or a thoughtful gesture. I live by this motto and this was my way of making her feel a little bit better, for her and for her family. Unbeknowns to me, Tiff shared my glitter story with Olivia's Mum and the rest of her family and the wonderful Nurses and Doctors caring for Olivia in Brisbane.
RE/MAX Success won the corporate challenge for blood donation this year. Because we are that awesome.
We were invited to attend a breakfast with other donors in the challenge and it was encouraging to hear stories from survivors whom had benefited from blood products and blood / plasma donation.
So today, I'm grateful for the awesome work that the Australian Red Cross Blood Service do every day, for every day Australians like you & I.
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