Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 7 - Today I am grateful for....The End of the Day

Today I am grateful for....The End of the Day.

I work in Property Management with RE/MAX Success in Toowoomba. I'm not going to lie, I work bloody hard. I'm proud of what I do. I'm proud of what all of us do. Whilst my job may not be physically demanding, it is most definately (some days) mentally demanding.

I've worked in the same industry for nearly 8 years now and it's one that you either love or you hate. There is no middle man. I've seen hundreds of people come and go in our office alone, over the years. Our work is hard.

I refer to the term "our" because my job is a very large part of my life and who I am. My colleagues are like family. We've been through so much together. The good, the bad, the ugly. The tears, the heartache, the triumphs. Family.

In Real Estate, there are some days where it would appear that it is completely impossible to please anyone. There are of course those wonderful days where everyone is happy and we've achieved some real success, but other days (like today) I feel like I'm chasing my tail. I've worked my bum off but I've achieved nothing. Bugger.

I'm really glad to see the arse end of today. It was most definately not the worst day in existence, in fact there were a lot of good things today, but nonetheless, here we are, 5:30pm is here and I feel good about that.

I've never been one to clock watch though. Nothing in the world annoys me more. It's not like the clock hits 5:31pm and I'm out the door. But I do relax a little bit. I don't think there has been a day in my work history even, that I've ever left work on time. I just can't do it. There are just some days though, when the daylight working hours drag their sorry arses along the ground and the day just never seems to end. It always does, it just sometimes takes a little bit longer :-)

Anyone who says they love their job, every minute of every day, is a liar. Unless your job is to sit on a banana lounge and sip on cocktails all day, then maybe I'd believe you but even then I think I'd be bored after awhile.

But, it's the end of the day. I can hang up my work troubles on the hook outside my back door and I shall pick up those troubles on the way back to work tomorrow. They'll still be there. It's the end of the day and I choose to enjoy the 12hrs until I'm on my way back.

But sometimes, like today, I'm so glad to see the end of the day. Hello 5:30pm - are you here already? It's lovely to see you :-)

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