Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 17 - Today I am grateful for....Shopping with my Mum

Today I am grateful for time spent with my Mum.

I know I've said it before but my Mum is uber-special. And I just love spending time with her. I've been what you might call a bad daughter, the past few weeks so I've amped it up a little bit and had lunch with her already this week and a shopping date today! We talk every day on email or phone but it's not the same as catching up in person.
I love going shopping with my Mum. Hell, I just love spending time with my Mum. Not only is she a keen bargain hunter (wonder where I got it from?) but she's also very good at keeping me in check when I need to pull my head in.

There's this look, see. It's the Mum look. And no matter how old you get or where you are, it's there. You don't have to be being really naughty or rude or precocious, as you get older, it's more of a "seriously?" look. The kind that levels you and very quickly pulls you out of whatever delirium you currently find yourself in.

You: "Oh, I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly need this <insert useless item here> and I'll just die if I don't have it"...take one look at Mum expecting approval and instead get the "Seriously? You really need that? What are you going to use it for? Where are you going to put it? Look how expensive it is! You don't need it. Stop being ridiculous" look. No words required. Enough said. I know everyone knows what I mean....

It's fun though. I always find stuff that I would never have found shopping on my own or with anyone else. I trust my Mum's judgement implicitly. I don't care what anyone else says, if my Mum says that something is poorly made or a bad investment, or alternatively something is definately a worthwhile buy, 9.5 times out of 10, I listen. And the .5 where I don't, I'm invariably wrong anyway! That trust obviously extends well past a shopping adventure too of course. In life and shopping, I only ever trust my Mum :-) But we always find a bargain or two when shoppping. And we always spend too much money. That's not to say we don't need what we have bought, and we never spend money we don't have, but I know I always feel naughty when I come home and see everything. I get the shopping guilts majorly. I soon get over it though....

But you know what else? It's time with just Mum & I. We potter around and look at stuff. Try stuff on. Ask each other's opinions. Would this look good in the lounge? Do you like this lamp? What about this doona cover for the spare room? It's always the same routine. We have coffee and lunch and talk and laugh. I love it! It's special time together. Of course I love my Dad, but it's nice to be able to have her all to myself sometimes. I'm a Mummy's girl through and through and bloody proud of it!

So today, I'm grateful for a shopping date with my Mummy :-) Love you Mum xxx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whoops, Marney is a colleague. Was logged in on her machine! Dave here now ... saying ... Tremendous work Leah!

    Hope you plan to hard-publish these incredibly simple and heart-warming reflections.

    I have come to find my folks are usually always right too!
