Today I realised that it's been a long time since I've blogged.
I've been ungrateful....again.
So instead of trying to make up for lost time, I've decided to just say that I've been on hiatus and start afresh.
No use crying over spilt milk.
The longer the time goes, the more I struggle to be grateful again. So instead of trying to find 18 things to be grateful for, I've decided to just be grateful for the small stuff that has happened in the past couple of weeks.
I'm not going to lie, it's been a busy few weeks, so to name a few of my grateful things....
I am grateful that my Mum didn't break her femur....only her fibula. Still broken but tough as nails and walking around without plaster. No surprises.
I am grateful that my friend Ronnie's dress made it into the paper after our confusion at the races.....
I am grateful that it's my holidays in 5 days. 11 days off! I'm excited.
I am grateful for my catch up coffee with my friend Bianca tonight after she's been galavanting around the world on a cruise for the last week. I am also grateful that she is safe and sound. I HATE boats.
I am grateful that my friend Ronnie had someone to call during her toughest moments last and Aimee. And I am preempting the grateful that I will feel when they catch the degenerates that stole and torched her brand new car. Because she hasn't been through enough already this year.
I am grateful for dinner with Bradley, Megan, Nathan & Vic last week.
I am grateful to hear other dear friends have made it home from OS safe and sound.
I am grateful that Tiff & Katie had a fabulous time in Melbourne.
I am grateful for my new Credit Card and the fact that it has allowed me to book my amazing trip to Thailand with Anita in October.
I am grateful for special friends who have listened to me cry in the last few weeks and just hugged me because that's what I needed.
I am grateful that I felt pretty on race day.
I am grateful for the new book I'm reading.
I am grateful for my new GHD.
So many things to be grateful for in hindsight but no inclination to be at the time.
But in the words of the plaque on my desk.....
"The more you practice being grateful, the more you will discover what to be grateful for...."
So when God closes a door, somewhere he always opens a window.
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