Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 10 - Today I am grateful for....Birthdays!

Today I am grateful for....Birthdays!

Birthdays....Balloons, Cake, Candles. It's always the same. Laughter, fun and presents. Surrounded by people you love and whom love you. A day where YOU are celebrated for being you!

However, attention must be paid for the one's who got us here. Our Mums. There's something to be said for the Mother's that go through the pain. The one's who made us from scratch and got us here in one piece. Every year is the same for me. I may or may not have taken 36 hours to get here and my Mother may or may not jokingly forget when my actual Birthday is each year (It's the 5th of March, but she always thinks it's the 3rd), but it's totally fine. I got here in the end. But every year she always reminds me of the pain she went through...."You don't know the pain I went through....!" hmmm. No, she's right. I don't. But I'm close because she reminds me each year, God love her :-)

I've never been big on Birthdays, my own at least. It kind of comes and goes and never fails to remind me that I've achieved nothing in the 12 months prior, oh and that I'm a year older than I was last time. But other people's Birthday are a whole other story...

Today marks the day of birth for 3 of my lovely friends, Bradley, Tiffany & Megan.

Bradley and I have been friends for around 7 years or more now. We've been through everything together - laughed, cried and enjoyed a very special friendship. Even when I was married, Bradley & I always shared Date night on a Wednesday. This used to constitute watching McLeod's Daughters or Grey's Anatomy. Well, he would sleep on my floor while I lay on my bed watching said shows. We did everything together. An extension of each other. Best Friends. People used to frequently assume that we were in a relationship. Boyfriends didn't believe me that we had never and to this day, have never been anything more than just friends. But they were told from the get-go that he was a part of my life and Hell would freeze over before I ever let him go. He ended up being Best Man at my wedding, not only because he was my friend, but also because he would have looked terrible in a dress. He is an amazing man and I love that we are like peas and carrots. So different, yet so the same. Bradley has recently (2 years ago - ha ha) found the woman of his dreams, Megan and plans to marry her in October 2011, and I'm thrilled. There are too many fabulous reasons why I love Bradley and treasure his friendship. And today....he turns 30. An epic Birthday!

Miss Tiffany also has an epic Birthday to mark today, and that is of the 21 variety. The big 2-1. My goodness, that seems like such a long time ago for me. By comparison, Tiff and I have been friends for a very short time but what a fabulous time we've shared. Tiff works in the RE/MAX Wonderland with me and has injected fun and enthusiasm into our office. Her positive attitude and "awesomeness" is unsurpassed. Each day she takes the time out to send an email with a positive thought for the day to pep us all up. We laugh all the time, at work and outside of work. We share secrets, laugh and cry together. She has a brilliant sense of humour and the ability to laugh at herself. She is my little blonde pocket rocket and I love her to bits.

Megan is turning a secret number today. For me at least, any number over 30 is a secret. I believe I shall be 30 forever. Megan is my boss, well one of them. Together with her Sisters, Bianca & Katie, and their Mum & Dad, Lynelle & Ian, they are RE/MAX Success. Megan is the fabulous Office Manager of the RE/MAX Wonderland. She has seen me (and almost everyone else in my office) through every crisis known to man....on a daily basis. She is patient, kind and funny. Oh and a super-Mum to Leroy & Lincoln. As a long standing staff member, her door is always open for me and all of my silly concerns in life. She's sat with me when I cry, and laughs at me when I'm silly. Inside and out of work, she's a star!

So Happy Birthday Friends! Today I'm grateful for you and I hope you are all having a fabulous day!

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