Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 13 - Today I am grateful for....My Home

Today I am grateful for....My Home

Home is where the heart is. I wholeheartedly believe that.

My Ex-Husband & I moved into our home a week before we were married. We lived happily here until, well, we didn't. During our separation, I bought him out and completely renovated. I had the house repainted and I refurbished it. I renovated the kitchen and the bathroom and repainted inside and out. I completely changed the house until there was nothing of him left here. I needed to do it. For me.

I love my home and I was unwilling to part with it if I didn't have to. As luck would have it, I didn't have to.

Although today, I'm not entirely proud of my housekeeping skills (my house is a complete bomb shelter), I'm still proud of my home. I like having a tidy and clean home and I try hard to keep it that way. My home is a direct reflection of me. I worked hard to get it and I work damn hard to keep it. I own everything in it and it defines me. It's entirely me. My taste. My style. And I love it.

The kids and I live here very comfortably in the ghetto and we are very happy. My neighbours are quiet and I have both God & Buddha on my side here. My entire street is owned by Pure Land Learning, and the Chinese Buddist Monks are really easy to be around. They are happy and friendly and smile and wave whenever they see me. There are no loud parties, no violence, no problems.

Although I technically live in the ghetto, my lifestyle certainly does not reflect it. When I say God is here too, not only is he in my home, but Pure Land Learning is located in the old St Andrew's church, where my parent's were married and I attended church. It's a really special location for me personally but it's also very conveniently located to town, shops and the bottle-o....ha ha. The police have a station around the corner and I feel completely safe.

My home is always open and friends are constantly visiting. I love cooking and having people over. Many a fun party has been had in my home. There was a time where there was not a lot of life in my home, after my Ex-Husband left and it took my Mother telling me that my home reminded her of a morgue for me to wake up and realise that I needed to inject some life back into it. I needed to turn some lights on and even some music. Perhaps I could even turn on the TV....It took a little while but I got there and my home, while not as busy as it once was, is still my pride and joy.

To this day, I leave my back light and kitchen light on, so that my home is a beacon of safety for me when I come home at night. And there is always my little trio of wagging tails and happy faces to greet me.

My Home is definately where my heart is and today, like all days, I'm enormously grateful for it.

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