Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 19 - Today I am grateful for....Days off

Today I'm grateful for days off.

I've just had 5 days off and until today, I hadn't realised just how much I needed them.

There is a lot to be said for days off. You can get so many things done, that you don't get time in a normal week to do. You can shop and clean and get some order into your life.

I wish I could say that I've achieved something but I really haven't. But it was a few days that I definately needed. Especially today.

I had big things planned. I wanted to spend time in my yard (fail) and clean my office (epic fail) and sadly I was able to do neither. The only thing I did achieve was cleaning my house and thank God I did that or my brain just wouldn't have coped.

When you are feeling sad, the last thing you want to do is go to work, so after yesterday, I'm thankful that I didn't have to go in today. At least I don't have to smile and pretend to be happy, when I'm not. I can sit on my bum on the couch and watch scary movies if I want to. Or I can cry. Or I can do nothing at all. And I'm not bothering anyone. It's great!

I haven't had a holiday since June. Arguably, it's only been 5 months yes, but a lot has happened in that time. And I'm feeling more than a little bit overwhelmed with life in general.

You could say that I'm burnt out. I know when I've reached this point. I'm either due for my Vitamin B shot or I'm burnt out. Lucky for me, at the moment it's both. So my Doctor sorted out my Vitamin B deficiency today and my days off have hopefully sorted out the rest. Hopefully....

I'm a little bit sad that my days off are drawing to a close and I have to go back to work tomorrow but I'm more than grateful for the few days I have had off. Looking forward to a few more next month. Bring on Christmas / New Year 2010 :-)

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