Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 24 - Today I am grateful for....My Mum's Roast Dinners

OMG. I think I may die.

I've eaten waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. My Mum cooked Roast Pork tonight and I'm pretty sure that I may explode. was amazing.

Words can't describe how good it was. Pork, crackle, veges, gravy, white sauce, apple sauce. Nom nom nom.

I can't actually remember the last time that I cooked? Microwaving things does not count as cooking. But frankly, cooking for one is a waste of time. So I don't. I'm quite surprised that my body hasn't shut down but it hasn't. And I'm thankful for that.

Lucky for me, my Mum is an amazing cook. Unlucky for my future life partner (when he arrives), I did not inherit this gene. OK, so that's not entirely true, but I'm not a fabulous cook. I can follow a recipe - I'm not special needs, but I'm by no means creative. I cook the same things over and over again, just because I can and I know that I can't fail. Yes, I'm lazy but I'm also not experimental, so I would prefer to serve something to people that I know works, is edible and ultimately tastes good.

Food has always been a central part of being in the Armstrong family. Good food. Good company. Never the two shall be parted. My Mother is always finding something new to experiment on my Dad & I with. 9 times out of 10, it's awesome. There are hundreds of cooking magazines and cookbooks in their home, and all of them have little post its stuck everywhere, when she finds something that works. Meanwhile, I don't have the time or patience for that. I'm a shocker.

But I love having dinner with my parents. It's just us and time for me to spend with my two favourite people in the world. We talk and laugh and joke and eat. I'm usually going through some kind of stupid crisis in my life and seeking some kind of clarity from them. I tell them my sagas and they chime in where necessary, in order to give me an ass kicking if I need it, or an ear pulling if I need that. They tell me about all the new things that are going on with them. It's special time.

So tonight, on a Saturday night, when most people my age are out partying, I'd rather spend it having dinner with my Mum and Dad.

And I'm uber-thankful for my Mum's amazing Roast Dinners. Thanks Mum xxx

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