Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 2 - Today I am grateful for....Coffee

Today I am grateful for Coffee.

I did have another grateful planned for today but I aborted that mission because I feel it very necessary to explain my need for coffee today.

It took 30 years for me to discover coffee. Yes, that's right. 30 years.

I'd always loved the smell. That beautiful smell of brewing coffee in the morning. It always brings back happy memories of my childhood....Mum & Dad standing around the coffee machine, brewing coffee on a Sunday morning, laughing, happy and in love. Coffee is love and to this day it is one of my favourite smells in the world.

However, whilst I loved the smell, I'd always hated the taste. And I believed that the only way to make it taste any better was to add 15 sugars...never a good start.

It was just prior to my 30th Birthday though, when one of my oldest girlfriends, Vicki, accidentally bought me a Latte instead of my usual Chai Latte. And so it began....

Why did no one actually ever sit me down and tell me I was mad? How the hell did I go 30 years without coffee in my veins?? I hadn't lived!

I'm not what you would call a Caffeine Addict though. I have about 2-3 per day....depending on the day.

Today....was not a good day. I had trouble sleeping last night and was feeling pretty average and so when I trundled into work this morning, before even turning on my computer, I dumped my bag in a huff, turned around and went straight to the kitchen and I whipped myself up some magic!

Ahhhhh.....Liquid bliss.

Now I hear some of you saying - YUCK. And until this year, I was a tea girl through and through. But that was until I discovered Nescafe Vanilla Latte. Bugger spending $6 on a cup of coffee. Mine costs me around 50c and today, as is the way most got me through a really rough day.

So today....I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo grateful for Coffee :-)


  1. I hear you!! My fave is the Caramel Latte - I have one EVERY morning & since having Lachlan I can't stand the taste of other coffees - which for me is bad cos unlike you I LOOOOOOVED my coffee - to the point of being an addict :)

    PS - loving your blog

  2. Happiness is caffeine running through my veins!

  3. All those Metro coffees my dear Leah, and you had coke the whole time. If only I knew. OK coffee it is next time I ascend that hill for our convo-fest! Great post, btw. It's inspiring to me and makes me look for things to be even more grateful for. I hope you compile it in to a book one day :)))))) xx Dave
