Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 23 - Today I am grateful for....Thoughtful Gestures

Today I am grateful for thoughtful gestures.

The kind that make even a small part of your day well....better.

A kind word, an encouragement, a smile, a hug, a pat on the back for a job well done, a commiseration, an acknowledgement of a feeling, a shared tear. All of these things and so many more can make another person's day better.

I walked in to work this morning to find this on my desk:

I'm not going to lie. I've had an awful couple of weeks. A divorce, a funeral, a breakup and a resignation in the space of two weeks has really got me wanting to jump into the bathtub with a toaster.

And in I walked to work this morning and my beautiful friend, Bianca had left me a little note and a little gift to make me feel better. Clearly she wasn't loving my bathtub/toaster

To clarify and elaborate for you, the resignation I have mentioned, of course, was not mine. But the hole that the resignation has left in our office, has meant that I once again will step into the role of Maintenance Co-Ordinator until a replacement is found. I'm a horrible liar, so apart from the fact that I am vehemently against lying in any form, it is impossible for me not to follow my own moral code. Given my said inability to lie, it is therefore, fairly well known around my office that I don't love Maintenance. It's a tough job and one I did proudly for nearly 6 years, but by the end of it, I realised that I had ultimately burnt out. That's not to say I didn't enjoy parts of it, because I did and still do, but it's one of the most thankless positions in Real Estate. It is impossible to please everybody and no matter what you do, a Client or Tenant will ultimately be upset, frustrated, cross or angry. And really, to simplify, no one ever calls in to tell you you are fabulous or to thankyou for fixing their hot water system. They call to complain.

But at the end of the day, I love my job. I love the people I work with. I'm happy and content doing what I'm doing. I'm fiercely loyal and my employers have always been fabulous to me. I have been around so long, and have sat in almost every position there, so whenever they need me and wherever they need me, I happily do what they need me to. Without question and without complaint. In this instance obviously, it will be Maintenance. And I'm OK with that.

In fact, we've all been through so much together the last (nearly) 8 years, that they are as close to family as you can get. It's about teamwork and I'm happy to do whatever is necessary to return even half of the friendship, love and unwavering support they have afforded me over the years.

So when a colleague resigned yesterday without any notice, we have all needed to rally together. But my heart still sank a little bit, I've got to tell you. The lost training time and money from a business perspective, the lost new friend and work colleague from a personal perspective and the disappointment from a professional perspective.

But it was my little present this morning that really made my day improve from the start. I wasn't looking forward to today. I knew that it was going to be a horrible day. Why buck the trend, when the rest of the week has been so hideous?? And there it was. A little treat and an encouraging word, just for me. Just because she knew, even though her own work load is horrific, that I would have been sad and / or stressed and that she was thinking of me.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I try to do something small each day, that makes someone elses day better. Sometimes my funds are limited but you know what? Smiles are free. Compliments are free. You can make someone's day better with the smallest act of kindness.

And Bianca is exactly the same as me. We've been friends for years. She is my boss but also one of my best friends. We share an office together and my current position sees me as a back up to her and another dear friend of mine, Karissa. So when something like this happens, and I'm taken away from being able to assist them as much as normal, it's so very thoughtful of her to even be thinking of me, when the whole situation makes her's and Karissa's life (and everyone else in our office) just as hard as it does mine.

Bianca, is very thoughtful and so sweet to me. We talk and laugh and share our deepest darkest secrets. We've had our ups and downs over the years, but ultimately we find our way and she's an amazing girl. She's also an amazing cook.

This week, I've actually been spoilt twice with thoughtful gestures. We happened to be on cooking roster together and she made extra so that I didn't have to cook! She also made one of my favourites....choc cheesecake slice.

Just to deviate for a moment, I cannot explain to you how delicious this slice is. And she made it....for me! Just because she knows how much I love it.

Even though she's my boss, or one of them, she always goes out of her way to thank me for random stuff that I do during the day for her....even though, frankly, she doesn't have to. She's my boss and it's my job!

But it's little things like today, that make me so thankful for her friendship.

In short, I always try to live my life in such a way that I can close my eyes at night and know that I've made a difference in someone's life today....just as she has mine. And it's encouraging for me to know that in my life, there are like minded people around me everywhere.

A thoughtful gesture. So very very grateful :-) Thankyou BK xxx

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