Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 8 - Today I am grateful for....Dinner with the Elks'

Today I am grateful for....Dinner with the Elks'

My dear friend Andrea Elks & I try to catch up at least once per week for dinner with her family and I. Sometimes it's at my house, sometimes it's at hers. Wherever we are, there is warmth and love and laughter.

Andrea & I are kindred spirits and she is a shining light in my life. We've been close for around a year now and I just can't imagine my life without her in it. She helped me (along with many other people whom I will personally mention as my blog comes along) get through the past year. Her positive attitude is inspiring and I treasure her friendship every day. She is my "Tree Hugging Hippy" (by her own admission) and she is an amazing woman. We laugh all the time and share a love for animals.

I could go on for hours about how fabulous she is but I'll save that for another blog. For now, it's the dinners and special times that I'm focused on :-)

Our favourite times together are our dinners. Amongst other things, including wildlife carer, harley-davidson bike rider, barista and environmentalist, Andrea is also an amazing cook. I, on the other hand, am a very basic cook.....

I love visiting her & her Husband, Paul's home in God's Country...aka Murphy's Creek. I've adopted Andrea, Paul, Joey & Kathy as an extension of my family...whether they like it or not.

Miss Kathy now lives with me, so in effect I get a little piece of Andrea with me every day. It's a treat to have some life in my home again.

Tonight, we again shared another happy "family" dinner, at my house. The minutes slip by and before we now it, 3 hours go by and we've no idea where it went. Good times, spent with people who treasure each other's friendship. What better way to spend a Thursday night??

So today, and always, I am grateful for....dinner with the Elks' :-)


  1. Your 'basic' cooking is very very very yummy!

  2. we have "Thursday Night Dinner" with family and friends every week. It is fantastic. I guess I am grateful for that just like you!!
