Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 120 - Today I am grateful for....My Mum

So....this time 31 years ago, my Mother went into labour with me.

That's right. Today is the 3rd March. I wasn't born until the 5th. The poor woman endured 36 hours of torturous pain with me as the end result.

There is a lot to be said for child birth and the pain that a woman goes through to bring a child into the world. I applaud all the Mothers out there because I really am a gigantic sook. A big girls blouse. God help the day that it's me there pushing a watermelon out of a pin hole.....

I couldn't help but think about my Mum today though, it's nearly my Birthday after all and without her, I wouldn't be here. Each year around this time that I sit down and really think about our relationship and how truly blessed I am.

She is my best friend in the whole world. She knows everything about me and loves me just the same. She completes me and I am but a shadow in life without her.

We really are so similar in so many ways (not only to look at), but she is so much stronger than me. Our mannerisms are the same but she is smarter and far more courageous than I. She is the rock in our family and the glue that binds us together.

 So many times in my life, and often daily, I marvel at the fact that I'm lucky enough to have her as my Mum. Not only is she an wonderful woman, but I am actually selfish enough to be pleased that she's all mine and I don't actually have to share her with a sibling....

We've been through everything together. Good times. Hard times. Happy times. Sad times. She is my mentor, my life coach, my friend. I go to her with every stupid problem in my life and she fixes it because that's just what Mum's do.

Every decision in my life (big or small), I continue to run past her because she is my voice of reason. For the times I can't see something clearly, she can.

 So thankyou Mum, for being you and loving me. I love you and am grateful for you every day xxx

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