Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 131 - Today I am grateful for....our new colleague!

We had a new man start today in the role of Maintenance Co-Ordinator and what a treat it has been to train someone with so much enthusiasm!

He is excited to be there, grateful to be employed and willing to learn. As a trainer, he is a dream come true!

It feels like I've trained so many people in the past few months, and when they leave, I often am concerned that it's me. Was I a poor trainer? Did they not like me? Was I too fast? Was I too dismissive? Did I let them sink or swim too soon? Did I not teach them enough?

That's not to say that I haven't enjoyed training people and some of my most recent trainees are still in place, God love them, but this was just different altogether. I don't think I've ever experienced someone with such a passion for something new? Maybe it's because I'm such a scaredy-cat.....

So many things run through my head when I'm training, so many worries I guess, but when my new colleague thanked me for a "wonderful" day and for everything I had shown him, my heart sang!

I thought to myself (for the first time in a long time) "gosh, I'm actually OK at this".

It's lovely training someone with initiative and drive and genuine interest in what you are showing them.

It reminds me of when I first started work so many years ago. I was so excited. I was painfully shy but it didn't take long for me to come out of my shell. Perhaps a little bit longer for me to find my feet and my place but after 12 months I was part of the furniture. 8 years later and I'm confident that they'll wheel me out on a gurney.

But that's OK because I love it.

I think anyone who says they love their job every minute of every day is a big fat liar but in my opinion, so long as you don't hate your job every minute of every day and have a healthy balance between life, love and work, then it's a good job and a good life :-)


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