Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 135 - Today I am grateful for....a healthy Tom :-)

My friend Andrea's cat Tom was hit by a car the other day but coming from family made of tough stuff, he will of course be fine :-)

Apparently a cat gets 9 lives so he's officially only got 8 left but I'm sure he'll make bloody good use of them!

The poor little love was hit by a car, had his hip broken and just got out of hospital today.

I went down the mountain for dinner tonight. It was yummy as always but the real treat was seeing their little man getting around, slower than normal no less, but still the same old Tom.

Tom is literally the coolest cat in the world. Apart from my own little man, Charlie and my other cat, Bella that lives with Mum & Dad, he is my favourite cat. So full of personality and life, it's always a treat to see him.

And my lap is where he sits when I visit. I love it. Neither Charlie or Bella are cuddly cats, so little Tom more than makes up for it. And tonight was no different. The only difference was that he was in pain and so once he found my lap, he wasn't moving in a hurry.

My bum went numb.....

It's more than OK though because little Tom is OK. He took on a car and won.

Grateful :-)

1 comment:

  1. my poor puss! he truely is an amazing cat. after all we have been through in the last 6 months, getting him fixed was the only option. still have to get the bill tho....
    love having dinners together, a great way to relax with friends
