Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 63 - Today I am grateful roof not leaking as badly as it did!

My little flatmate, Kathy called me this afternoon to enquire as to whether I knew my house was leaking?

Well, I assumed it might be but no, I wasn't actually aware.

Should she put down some towels?

Yes please!

Oh and can you shut the windows too?? That'd be great! lol

And so the rain just kept falling and falling and falling. Blah.

I feel like I haven't seen proper sunshine and blue skies for months. The reality is just that! There hasn't been any! It is overcast literally every day. Occasionally a bit of blue sky peeks out but mostly it's just morbid.

Don't get me wrong, I love the rain and I know we have needed it but now, it's to the other extreme. We've had too much and I'm not sure we can really cope with any more?

And with my work in maintenance, oh don't even get me started. I'm quite sure that every roof in our rent roll has leaked! It is just never ending.

This weather just makes me feel awful. It's dark and gloomy and my mood follows suit. Seasonal Affective Disorder it's called. Or SAD. My Grandmother suffered from it and I'm beginning to wonder if I do too? Perhaps planning to run away to the UK would not be the wonderful experience that I would be searching for in life....there is never any sunshine there! ha ha

But when I got home this afternoon, expecting my TV to be floating, I was quite happy to find that the leak was minor in comparison to the other day. Only one towel was down and the rest of the house was dry. Win!

So today, I can only be grateful that my roof didn't leak as badly as I was expecting. Thank God for small mercies and thank God for my quick thinking girl...... :-)

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