Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 65 - Today I am grateful for....getting out of the house!

Today was one of those really horrible days in Maintenance.

The kind where you wish the world would swallow you up whole, because you're drowning anyway.

I got a call from my friend, Sam - "Come to pub!"

Why not? I thought.

So I did.

I went to The Spotted Cow. I haven't been there in a hundred years. Mainly because it was the favourite haunt of my Ex-Husband and thought of running into him there made me panic, so I avoided it like the plague.

But now that he's out of the country, I'm able to enjoy the Cow again. Although I'm not a big drinker, by any stretch of the imagination, I'm happy to tag along and be a little bit social. I sip on my coke and watch my friends drink, and quietly (and some not so quietly) get ripped. I don't mind being sober. At least I can avoid the hangover the next day!

It was time to get out of the house.

I've been pretty much holed up in my house since Christmas. I've ventured out a couple of times and obviously to work but apart from that, not so much.

But I'm never going to meet the man of my dreams sitting at home.

And after tonight, I'm pretty confident that I'm never going to meet him at the pub either. But that's another story altogether.

But for tonight, I'm grateful to have gotten out of the house, enjoyed some time with friends and a change of scenery.  That's a win in my book :-)

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