Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 82 - Today I am grateful for....Canine Cuddles

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ~ Anatole France

There is something to be said for the love of an animal.

The unconditional love of a pet surpasses that of a person. They love you for all that you are. They don't care if your hair is messy or if you haven't had a shower or your clothes don't match. They love you, just as you are.

Is there anyone else in the world that is as happy to see you when you come home from work at night? I don't think so.

And so, when I got home after another really long day today, I couldn't help but smile. There are my little four legged darlings, tails wagging, big smiles, happy to see me. Me!

We ended up having cuddles before bed, because I feel like I've not really seen them for a few weeks and I've missed them. George is well, George. 45kg of child. When he jumps up on the bed, 9 times out of 10, he lands directly on my stomach. Ouch. He then proceeds to turn around and sit full length on my chest with his head resting on my shoulder. I love him. He's the most handsome blonde man in my life.

Then there is Lily. Painful but cute. She always has to be close. And by close, I mean....close. There is no lying at the foot of the bed. Oh no. She lies so close that I can't roll over. Lucky she's little.

Most mornings I wake up to George's paws in my face as he is spread full length down the right hand side of the bed, Charlie is curled up on the pillow beside me and Lily is tucked in close to the small of my back. I love the familiarity and comfort that waking up to that sight brings me. I am grateful for them every day.

And so tonight, I'm grateful for their cuddles. Because whilst it's awkward, they're hairy and smell like dog, they love me for me. And they may not be the best behaved animals in the world but they are mine and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for them.

Grateful x

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