Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 32 - Today I am grateful for....A safe journey home

My goodness there are some d*ckheads on our roads!

Where did you get your licence, loser? Out of a cornflakes box?


This week especially, I've noticed that the rain brings out the worst drivers on our roads. I've counted my lucky stars every time I've arrived to my destination safely.

I don't know what it is about the rain, but it kind of makes people lose the plot and forget every road rule? Like the rain somehow magically makes road rules null and void?

Did you not see the water lying on the side of the road, before you hit it, lost control of your car and swerved into my lane? Did you not notice the amount of water on the road and thought you could make the amber light before it turns red? Did you not notice the stop sign in the pouring rain? Did you not notice the pools of water before you decided to stop at 60km an hour with 5m to spare? Did you not notice the other people on the road when you indicated and tried to merge into my car? Did you not notice that the speed limit says 60km, not 20km?

Honestly, driving in the rain drives me nuts. I get so mad that I just want to stay at home so I don't die. Oh that's right, that's what I did yesterday!

And nervous drivers! OMG - don't get me started on those. I HATE nervous drivers. Nervous drivers die.

It's only my opinion, (and I potentially have a road rage problem), but frankly, if you cannot negotiate a car in the rain sensibly, then you should not be in control of  a vehicle - EVER. Full stop.

I'm not going to bag out P-platers, because there are a lot of sensible ones out there, but there are a lot of non-sensible ones too. They are the ones who speed, that cannot negotiate distance and that take unnecessary risks. It's dangerous. Add rain into the mix and there is a disaster waiting to happen.

To deviate momentarily, I am fascinated sometimes by the Catholic faith and their Patron Saints. I'm not familiar with all of them but St Christopher - the Patron Saint of Travel, I've got to admit, is one of my faves. I'm not Catholic but I am Christian and I live by my faith. I went to a Catholic school and I admit to knowing very little about Catholocism itself, but I understand some of the principles (if that is the right word) and one of my favourites are their Patron Saints. Presbyterians don't have those. All of my life I have kind of picked out parts of different religions and added bits of them to my daily life. Catholocism, I guess, is no different. I don't know why it helps me, but I feel better with a Christian symbol in my car and I often give a St Christopher's medal to loved ones that travel. I personally have a set of Rosary Beads from Vatican City hanging on my steering wheel and a tiny silver cross that my Mother gave me. Not only do they make me feel better, but I feel calmer driving with something around me that reminds me of my faith and that which makes me feel protected. I'll admit it's one of the bizarre things that make me, well, me. But whatever helps, in my opinion.

When driving back from Goondiwindi the other night in the rain, after celebrating the life of a dear friend, killed tragically in a car accident, I held on to my Rosary Beads the whole way home. I've never prayed with Rosary Beads in my life. I'll openly admit that I don't actually know what they're for, but for whatever reason, I held onto them for dear life, said a little prayer and my two passengers and I, arrived home in one piece.

I consider myself a safe driver. I'm not reckless, I don't speed and I am considerate of other drivers. I am mindful of pedestrians, motorcyclists and people on bicyles. I'm a good driver. And I'm bloody proud of it!

I guess that's why I tend to get on my soap box about bad drivers, because I just cannot understand how hard it can be to drive safely? I understand accidents happen and more often that not, things happen that are certainly out of anyone's control, but it's the lunatics on our roads that make me so cross.

So today, I am really grateful that I made it home in one piece. Safe and sound :-)

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