Summer kind of snuck up on everyone. It's been raining for weeks and then all of a sudden, it's hot. Just like that!

I've been whinging like a girl for the past few weeks because I'm so sick of the rain. And now, I'm going to whinge again, because I hate the heat.
Let's be honest, there are only so many layers you can take off before you are down to skin.....and it's STILL hot!!! Blah.
I'm not going to lie. I'm not a fan of Summer. We're not friends. Let's face it. I'm no beach bunny. I don't have the beautiful tanned skin to go with the perfectly sculpted body that matches perfectly with my lovely blonde hair. I'm so white that I glow in the dark. I don't have a beautiful body, and certainly not a functional one most of the time and I have red hair! In fact, if anything I'm a snow bunny. I'm a winter girl through and through.
As a pale skinned, blue eyed red head, I simply have to look at a photo of the sun and I burn. And when I burn, I really burn and go a darker shade of...well, white.
I like the kind of Summer that they have in the UK......
In my younger sillier years, I gave the tanning lotion a go. Epic fail. Burnt to a crisp and no tan in sight! I am proud to say that I've never been silly enough to get into a tanning bed.
I have tried to like Summer, I really have but I just don't. I don't like being hot. I don't like sweating. I don't like being unable to sleep at night. I don't like burning in the sun walking 10m. The extremes in temperature really wreak havoc on my body and it's just not worth it to me.
If I could live in the North Pole, I probably would. Although I'm sure I'd find something to whinge about there too!
But at the moment, whilst we had a stinker today, I was in the air conditioning at work for most of the day, and then after work, the sun went down, and ahhhhhhh bliss. A lovely cool breeze.
My perfect Summer. Warm days (whilst I'm in the air con) and a lovely cool breeze at night time.
So today, I'm uber-grateful for the cool nights. I just hope they stick around......
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