Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 49 - Today I am grateful for....Young People :-)

My gorgeous little girlfriend, Georgia invited me around for a Christmas Party tonight.

She cooked up a storm and it was really yummy. Together with a bunch of her young friends, we enjoyed some laughs and some good spirited games of Celebrity Head. It was fun!

Georgia & I have been close since she worked at RE/MAX in 2009. Not only is she beautiful and talented, but she is studying law, is mad about politics, has travelled the world and breeds fish. She has accomplished so much in her 19 years. Whilst real estate wasn't for her, we have remained bosom buddies.

She makes me feel young. I forget all the time that she is only 19. We've laughed and cried together on many occasions. She's there for me when I need someone, as I am for her.

It was strange being around all of her friends tonight though. I felt like the horrid old hag in the corner. But it made me realise, I'm pretty cool for an old girl. Well I must be, because the vast majority of my friends are much younger than me. I'm not sure how that's happened but I don't mind.

It's interesting when you can add a different slant on a conversation, that only comes from life experience. It's fun to hear them rattle on about Justin Bieber (God help me), boys, partying, drinking, boys, work, drinking, boys. Life was so simple at that age.

Some days I wish wholeheartedly that I could turn back time and be 19 again but then I'm kind of glad that I've experienced the things I have, because it's made me stronger as a person and more able to assist as a friend. When they are having boy troubles, I can lend a caring shoulder to cry on and some wise words. When they are having life problems, I can chime in as the voice of reason because I've been there. When they decide to be hating on their parents for whatever reason, I can gently remind them that eventually, one day, they'll be best friends with their Mum, their Dad will be an awesome guy and their Sister / Brother won't always be such a pain.

They, in turn, remind me not to take life so seriously all the time....

I like to think that my non-judgemental personality is what draws young people to me? I'm not really sure if that's really what it is. But it's like they feel they can tell me anything, (and they do) and I'm not going to love them any less. I'm a sounding board for a decision. I'm the nurturing cuddle when they need one. I'll call a spade a spade though, so I'm unlikely to soften a blow if I think what they're doing is madness. I give them respect, an open ear and love. And as a teenager / young adult, that's all you want. Not to feel like a child.

So today, I'm grateful for the young people in my life, who in turn make me feel young again :-)

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