Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 43 - Today I am grateful lawn being mowed BEFORE the rain

OMG - what a dreadful day.

Not only did we have more water crash on Toowoomba than I've ever seen, but my own roof leaked and all of the Christmas presents that I had lovingly wrapped are now lost. My Christmas tree is soaking wet, there is water coming out of my light fittings and out of my window frames! For God's sake, when will I catch a break?

Let's face it, today really didn't start well.

I had a mad doctor appointment first up this morning, which put me out of sorts for most of the day, then I was late for a showing for work and then had to meet an unhappy Landlord who had been waiting for 40 minutes in the blistering heat because of a mixup in the diary. I seemed to chase my tail all day, work wise and then the rain started.....

What a nightmare.

It got to the point where we had SES on standby, the phones were ringing off the hook and all of us were literally soaked to the bone.

I hate Maintenance when it rains. It's just miserable. I know I've mentioned it a thousand times before but honestly, there is no other time as a Property Manager when you feel so helpless.

The roads were flooded coming home and then to arrive home and find that my own roof had leaked, has just made an already horrible day.....well, worse.

So the only thing I can find to be grateful for today is that my mower man came this morning and was able to mow my lawn BEFORE it rained.

That is all.

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