Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 39 - Today I am grateful for....Time with my Big Sister

Today I am grateful for time spent with my big Sister.

It was my priviledge to spend some time with my goregous Sister Michele and her equally amazing friend Jenny tonight.

Shel and her little family live in Theodore, which is just a little stroll down the way.....approx 5 hours!! We only get to see each other a couple of times a year, so time with them is precious.

Lucky for me, we're going to see Bon Jovi on Tuesday night, so she's in town before we head to Brisbane.

Shel, my other Sister, Karyn and I are related through our biological Father. It's a fairly long and complicated (and very boring) story, so in short, we have different Mothers, same biological Father but we choose to be in each other's lives.

Karyn is a beautiful, talented and intelligent woman with a wicked sense of humour. She is a flight attendant with a local airline in Townsville and has two beautiful Sons, Todd & Dean and a lovely Husband, Mark. I don't get to see Karyn as much as I would like to, as she lives in Townsville but it's like we've never been apart when we do catch up. She is amazing fun and has seen me through many a tough time in my life.

Shel is still a fair distance away, but we catch up whenever she is in town visiting Jenny & Miles or I take the hike to Theo for some time with my big Sister. She is the local Hairdresser in downtown Theodore and together with her Husband Ben, and two gorgeous daughters, Georgia & Olivia, they live on a beautiful property down the road. Shel is my tough love Sister and gives me a good kick up the bum when I need it. Not unlike me, she isn't one to mince words - calls a spade a spade. And again, she too is beautiful, amazingly strong with an amazing sense of humour. She's seen me at my best and my worst. When I need to regroup, it's not uncommon for me to go to Theodore. It's bordering on running away but it's in the middle of nowhere, it's peaceful and she's there.

The three of us really don't look anything alike, although we all laugh the same and have similar mannerisms. We all share a fabulous sense of humour and I love sharing a gene pool with them. It was fairly lonely growing up as an only child. They had each other but I was so little and so far away and it would be a good 20 years before we all got together again. And we'll never be apart ever again.

I love that I'm not really an only child. Although I grew up with just Mum, Dad & our pets, I have an amazing extended family of Half Sisters, Step Sister and Step Brother. I'm blessed.

Family is family. No matter what form it comes in. All the "Halfs" & "Steps" mean nothing. Whilst not all blood related we are still family and I cherish each of my siblings for everything that they are and bring to my life.

So tonight, I jumped at the opportunity to catch up with Shel & Jenny. Some laughs and a few ciggies and some perspective was just what I needed. Love you xxx

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